Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Open Garden at the Embassy of Netherlands

Last Friday, we had a chance to visit the garden at the Netherlands Ambassador's residence, open to the public for two days. The Embassy is located down the street from our showroom, just a quick, pleasant stroll away.

As the warm spring breeze ushered us through the front gate, we were suddenly placed in this tastefully exotic environment, with the western-style embassy building before us, surrounded by lush green foliage and blossoming spring flowers. It was indeed an urban oasis. We could easily forget that we were in the middle of a bustling city, as we walked along a winding passage to the garden.

We weren't allowed inside the residence, but the interiors were on display through the large windows facing the garden. The beautiful chandeliers shed light on well-built, solid furniture against immaculately white walls. The simple, yet elegant interior coordination truly struck a chord with the kind to which
we apsire here at Azabu Interior.

Furniture Rental and Sale
Tokyo Lease Corporation 03-3585-5801
Opening hours:Weekdays 9:00 am- 6:00 pm
Saturdays and National Holidays 10:00 am-6:00pm
English website:http://www.furniture-rental-tokyo.com/
Japanese website :http//www.tokyolease.co.jp/

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