Thursday, June 18, 2009

Weekend excursion from central Tokyo

The hydrangea is in full blossom now.
You can see the blossoms everywere in Japan, maybe in your residential area
in June. I enjoy them every morning on my way to the station,
they are really beautiful now. Their blue-perple color refresh my feeling.

Although there's a lot of poular spots for enjoy them near central Tokyo,
my favorite place is Kamakura.
You can enjoy the blossoms in Temple's yards of the historical city.
The hydrangea and temples accentuate their beauty each other.

"Meigetu-in" in Kita-kamakura is the most popular temple as "Temple of hydrangea".
Kita-kamakura is one hour by train from central Tokyo, it is a good place to visit on weekend.
Why don't you visit this temple this weekend? and enjoy Japanese sweet after
the visit? There's a Japanese sweet cafe near the temple.

"Meigetu-in" temple
Open hour in June: 8:30 to 17:00
Entrance fee in June: 500 yen

10 min walk from Kita-kamakura station(Yokosuka Line)
There are the signs along the way to the temple and there's a flow of people, you won't miss it.

Furniture Rental & Sale
Tokyo Lease Corporation 03-3585-5801
Opening hours:Weekdays 9:00 am-6:00 pm
Saturdays and National Holidays 10:00 am-6:00pm
English website:
Japanese website :http//

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